桃園大有消防分隊 Da-Yo Fire Station
大有消防分隊 Da-Yo Fire Station 本案位於一個部份已開闢完成的公園中。隨著區域人口快速集中,公園多目標使用是都市計劃中機關用地不足的一種現象,事務所在處理這個案子的時候,希望減低因消防分隊的興建,對區域開放空間造成縮減與排擠的影響;配合都計內簷高以及容積的限制,我們設計了一個與地景配合的建築物,按照地形將現有綠帶緩緩延伸至建築物的屋頂,減低大面積屋頂所帶來的量體感與耗能,並規劃出一系列多層次的開放空間,串聯坡地的上下空間,在不影響勤務的狀況下,創造一個兼顧地區消防安全及地區民眾休憩的多目標空間。 This project was located in an existing park . Due to the lack of public facilities land, many parks were planned to be multi-use for better efficiency by the increasing of population in Taiwan. We tried to combine a friendly environment with a fire station, and at the same time, reduce the impact for the existing open space. 消防隊在未興建前,是一個荒廢的公園預定地,尚未有效的利用,鄰接基地旁有個已局部闢建的小公園,上面有籃球場、遊戲設施與簡單步道。原始基地高低落差約十米,並有一廟宇在基地上方,整地結合環境並尊重廟宇的視界,是初期規劃裡重要的課題。 Before the construction of fire station, the site was originally planned to be designed as a park, but actually worked not very well and there was an existing small public open space aside. The original landscape of the site was mainly a 10-meter-high slope, with an existing temple in the north. The main design issue was to coordinate both the existing slope and temple as a complete plan and at the same time keep a good front view for the temple 在公園多目標使用的前提下,我們也希望盡可能減小消防分隊興建對公園綠地的負面影響,由於多目標使用的規定,並不允許建築物簷高超過7M,如果將消防分隊基本需求納入設計,配合地形條件,勢必產生一個長型建物,與大面積的屋面空間。為了讓低矮量體所產生的大屋頂做有效的利用,也避免屋頂閒置對區域景觀造成負面的影響,我們將屋頂做薄層綠化,並跟現有公園做連結,讓綠意延伸至屋頂,提供居民有效使用的開放空間,同時減低大屋面板所產生的建物耗能。 According to the regulations of Multi-use for Public Facilities Land in Urban Planning Area , the max building height could only be 7 meters, and this condition made the fire station inevitably to be a long building with low height and a big roof. First of all, we tried to minimum the building height of the fire station to reduce the impact for the existing park , and show the respect to the temple in the north by keeping it's field of view. Second, we tried to make the big roof green as a friendly public open space for the citizens, which connects to the existing park and achieves the goal of a green-sustainable-Architecture. 本案綠屋頂採薄層綠化,能有效減低屋頂載重,利用薄型植生槽隔絕土壤與樓板直接接觸,避免綠屋頂長期營運所可能產生的防水問題。綠屋頂規劃圓形天窗串連上下空間,白色的圓筒,在白天作為車庫區的採光,夜間則成為綠地的燈光來源,有些則設計為座椅,提供民眾休憩使用。 The thin green roof can lighten the loading of the roof and the water reservoir plate works as the inter-layer between substrate and roof deck to prevent typical water problem of green roof. Scattered on the roof, the white tube sky windows which connect the parking area and the roof top, play the role of lighting system, offer desirable day-light for parking area and night-lighting for the roof top. 另外為了避免長型建物配置影響消防分隊運作與出勤時間,我們將機能分類後,車庫區規劃在中央,利用空橋串聯,兩個機能量體,中間設置一個滑梯,供出勤使用,提升出勤效率;二樓宿舍區,設計半戶外川廊,提供同仁們,休憩互動的場所,同時可以方便管控車庫區車輛調度的狀況與需求。地下室規劃為分隊的辦公空間,設計開放式天井,創造一個充滿綠意的安靜內院,提供辦公室良好的採光需求,辦戶外空間也可以提供同仁使用,搭配旋轉樓梯與地面層串聯。室內空間則以明亮的白色為主軸,配合桃園縣消防局本身的紫色識別系統,與半戶外的公共交流空間,創造大方互動的室內空間。 The inevitably long layout also cause the inconvenience for the firefighters to set off. We divided the fire station as two volumes and connecting by the bridge goes through the parking area with an sliding pole to save the time for the missions. The semi-outdoor space not only provide the staff to coordinate the vehicles easily but also delivers an interactive atmosphere and becomes a good public area for the staff. In order to reduce the volume of the building, staion office was designed in the basement, trying to create an quiet and green court-yard, the B1 patio open space which connected to ground level with the round outdoor stair offers good natural light and ventilation for working space. The interior space is mainly in white and try to respond to purple which represents the TYFB color system. 外觀設計上,配合地形以帶狀線條,串聯整體地勢地貌,整體以清水混凝土的色調,做為建築物的架構,搭配白色sto與丁掛磚,有趣味與韻律的開窗節奏,創造豐富的立面樣貌。西側規劃一座鋼構樓梯,提供消防隊垂直升降訓練使用。在建築前方的帶狀綠帶,藝術家以消防隊員救災的意象所做藝術創作,讓空間與雕塑產生了一個完美的結合。 The form corresponds to the topography of the linear park besides the building, trying to extend the greenery of the area. After serious studies of different elevation strategies, we finally made the concrete Sto and tile as the main facade materials. The composition of various finishing materials and random openings create an interesting and intimate atmosphere for the fire station. The sculpture, represented the concept of the fire fighters, in front of the station, enriches the space as well. 整座建築物完成後,就像隱身在公園下方,在不影響消防勤務的原則下,創造環境與機關雙贏的設計提案。 After the construction was completed, the whole fire station is merged into the park, and found a mutually beneficial solution for the coexistence of park and public facilities.
地點 Taoyuan City
設計 2010
施工 2013